

Artist: Nikhil Bhandari
Code: 422

From Beyond Erros 25 
Medium: Inkjet on Archival Paper
Size: 150 x 100 cm

Nikhil Bhandari is deeply attracted by female bodies, he takes pictures of them in all kind of positions highlighting the curvy forms, then he elaborates the images, he superimposes them until they can’t be recognized anymore. It is an increasing number of stratifications, each one of which refers to a given stage of existence. What he gets are colourful pictures that plays with lights and shades and that are eventually full of charm and sensuality. His interest is not women as sex objects and not even the representation of the female body in an original and captivating way; his purpose is getting female true identity, women position’s real essence. Everyone knows women position is complicated, not just in India, but also everywhere else in the world. Nikhil Bhandari wants his works to redeem women condition, to release women from reality and represent them in their purer form, to use his own words to “place them beyond Eros”.

Currently on show at Venice, to view click  -   'India the Revealed Mysteries' at Venice